Sunday, January 11, 2009

Paris cont...

Paris smells delicious!
EVERYwhere you go, there is the most incredible smells of baking pastries and bread - we defy anyone to resist the constant temptation! Also it doesn't help that our hostel gives us free bread and croissants for breakfast and as snacks, and that it is ridiculously cheap to buy seriously good macroons, lemon or raspberry tarts, various pastries with chocolate...
also france and europe in general has sparked a new obsession with nutella - can get it on almost every street corner on crepes or waffles, and they have insanely large jars in the supermarket!

Food aside, Paris is still freezing cold, but its very cool to walk past frozen fountains and see snow everywhere.
So far we have seen: the Louvre - Mona Lisa seemed overrated, quite smaller than we expected, cool to see Delacroix's work; climbed the Eiffel Tower!! except the very top was closed due to weather; walked and marvelled at the stores down the Champs Elysee and Galaries Lafayette; visited the Pantheon and and Luxembourg palace, and a whole lot of other places...
Also bought a few things in the sales!

Weird to think i will be home soon...

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