Monday, December 15, 2008

Berlin & Prague

The rest of our time in Berlin was this insane mixture of partying, sightseeing, eating anything with bacon, sausage, or fried, and just generally being amazed at it all. hit the Xmas markets in Alexanderplatz, saw the main museum who's name escapes me right now... starts with a 'P'... it was epic! this incredibly massive marble construction. Went to this cool underground actors party that our new dormmate (a film director) knew about on our last night. Hit the beer and jaeger again! Saw the Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe before we raced to catch train to Prague - full on monument and underground information centre.
So nearly could have missed our train, we literally ran to our hostel to collect our backpacks, ran back to the station, ran to our connecting station, going to the wrong one a couple of times - thank goodness for the kindness of strangers! but we just have this amazing luck for our trip and we made it with a cool three mins to spare!

Arrived in Prague bout 9ish, bought dodgy sandwhiches and hit bed. Woke up seriosuly sorry for ourselves despite eating the most amazing breakfast (eggs and bacon!!!!) - too little sleep, too much partying, too much jaeger?? Now i have the beginnings of a cold :( Visited the National musuem - the creepiest, coolest, most massive collection i have ever seen of stuffed animals, fossils, human bones, minerals, precious stones, and human stuff dating back to 100,000,000 BCE!!!
> FYI a lot of the styles of our jewellry hasnt changed that much.
Also hit the Old Town and saw all the amazing architecture.
Went home early, so tired! i've been asleep until just recently, bout 3:30pm - 9ish... tonight's sleep quota interesting!


JAS said...

It the Pergamon Museum. I agree - I loved the Babylonian gate with the lion fresco. Take care. Jx

gerald wiblin said...

sounds awesome.

as my straight jaeger drinking buddy back here i dont want you to be writing about drinking too much jaeger.. ever!