Friday, December 12, 2008

London, Amsterdam and on to Berlin!

A mad, frenzied weekend in London spent living on the Underground train, sightseeing till nightfall and then heading out to Leicester Sq to dance, dance, dance, with a seriously disgusting bottle of cheap champagne and friendly fellow train riders telling us the night-time hot spots. 1st night in average hostel, 2nd night in the greatest hostel in the very posh South Kensington, right next to Hyde Park.
Some of the tourist stuff we did: went on the London Eye, Buckingham Palace, Tower of London, the 'White House', British Museum, London Bridge, Houses of Parliament, Westminster Bridge, Westminster Abbey and Big Ben!

Took us the whole of Monday to arrive in Amsterdam, all the info people in the stations said we couldn't do it, but a serious dose of good luck saw us through! arrived in the centre of Amsterdam around 11:50, found the Flying Pig Downtown hostel, and scrounged a bed for the night (apparently we need to wok on our booking technique...)
Two days three nights very well spent in Amsterdam, saw Anne Frank's House, the Rembrant and Damian Hirst collection at the Rijksmueum, and Van Gogh's masterpieces at the Van Gogh museum. The people at the hostel were such a range, hailing from South America, Germany, USA, UK, and Australia fairly well represented! Everyone out for a good time and we joined in!
Fairly bummed though, as the night we left, the biggest ever party was going down at our hostel as one of the workers was leaving... but Berlin beckoned.

Arrived in Berlin around 9pm, and our hostel around 10pm.
Berlin is wicked fun! Sharing a dorm with 6 other awesome people, again hailing from everywhere - germany, canada, and south america; started of drinking together last night and we all went out to a disco that the two german girls knew of, danced till about 6am, train'd it home = party times!
Pretty much made us feel better about missing the biggest party in Amsterdam last night...
Heading out today to see some attractions with just a couple of hours sleep under our belt! will try to be more frequent in posting, but we're just having too much of a good time!
Love Rachael and Alex

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